Category Archives: social bookmarking

Get organized and stay organized

If you’re one of those people that plan everything and always keep their surroundings tidy and organized, this article is NOT for you. No, this is about all the people that can’t get work done because something always gets in the way, for people that get overwhelmed by their work, for people that… Well, you get the point. It’s for people that have trouble organizing their work and life. Well folks, get your bookmarks ready as we have just the blog for you. Unclutterer is a blog that is dedicated to help people get organized and stay organized. I found this blog a really amusing read and quite interesting, as it gives you cool tips that can be used at home, at work or anywhere else.

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From what to do with unpaired socks to productivity tips. They even have a segment where you can ask them for help. The situations described are something people face on a day to day basis, so it’s easy to find yourself feeling like they are writing about you in the blog. There is a new article almost every day and you will always find something interesting to read each time you visit the page. If you find the bookmark again that is. Who knows, maybe some article will give you an idea or motivation to do something you couldn’t do before. It’s definitely worth checking out. Go on and type in your browser and bookmark it for later. You will be happy you did that someday.